Friday 22 May 2015

A week of discovery and monsters

Wow what a week in the world of fish. A 7ft (2.1m) 131lb (59kg) conger eel was caught off the coast of Devon here in the sunny UK. As this eel normally dies after spawning there is a good chance this was a female that never spawned. Full story from the BBC.

The next is even more fascinating is the discovery of a warm blooded fish. The Opah fish which was thought to be a slow moving lumbering fish but has been found to they are able to hold their own when it comes to speed despite living at a depth of around 1,000ft (305m). In like other fish that need to come near the surface to this fish is able to manage its temperature by flaming its pectoral fins warming the mussels and the blood at the same time.

Full story can be found at 

Friday 8 May 2015

little delay with the shopping and the Shark that's playing tricks

So after my gold fish moved to their new home and are now settled I have a little down time between getting the new aquarium. I've spent the last few days stripping and cleaning the old one before it moves on to its new home.

The reason I've not ordered and placed the new one in its spot is that I've not had the time to get to my LFS to do the shop face to face as there are a couple of options on the aquarium that need to be done at time of ordering. But I do have some time off coming up and once I have recovered from a gig I'm going to get my order placed.

In the mean time I thought Id share a interesting story I found on the BBC Earth page. Some young sharks are using the patterns of poisonous sea snakes to help avoid being eaten by predators. It's thought that the Zebra or leopard shark is the first shark recored mimicking the patterns of the sea snake. The full article can be found here BBC Earth,