Friday 29 August 2014

What I'm currently reading

I thought for a quick post this week I'd share what I'm reading there is a lot of books out there some better than other but the two I have are Aquarium Manual by Haynes & The New Marine Aquarium Step-By-Step Setup & Stocking Guide by Michael S. Paletta.

I've had the Haynes book for a while and it has been a help with getting set up helping with cycling the tanks I have but it ttys to cram too much into one book so it isn't able to be so detailed. I remember walking around Jumble sales as a kid where someone always had a copy of a Haynes manual for something like a Mk2 Escort or Renault 5 and loved the exploded diagrams but this isn't one of these classic although helpful I would say its better to purchase a dedicated book for marine aquariums. 

 The New Marine Aquarium Step-By-Step Setup & Stocking Guide is my favourite, not the biggest book but packed full of info. Using a mix of up to date and traditional this book covers all the basic point. The bit I love most about this book is its helpful check lists from parts required, maintenance to the set up process. Book even covers stocking guides for different sizes so you don't run the risk of over stocking your aquarium which is usually the mistake people encounter.

Thank you for taking time to read my blog 

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