Friday 12 September 2014

MTS (Multi Tank Syndrome)

In my introduction I mentioned I have MTS or Multi Tank Syndrome its not something people truly understand until it hits them. So what is it? Well in simplest terms its when you start off with just one small aquarium and before you know it you working out places you can fit a bigger one your looking after more and more tanks.

We have a little on going joke in the family with my mum who luckily has a great sense of humour about knocking walls down replacing certain items of furniture just to ft another new or much large tank into the house. We’ve even talked to the local fish shop about writing a receipt for a 1000 litre aquarium and stand. But saying that she did draw the line at 3 aquariums (i did sneak a small one in to make it 4) and she has put her foot down which I’m glad of as I would end up with loads to look after.
After a lot of convincing I have finally got the go a head for a larger aquarium but its at the cost of my current 60 litre cold water one, which is really difficult for me to do as this is where I cut my teeth.

Here is a view of my current set up

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