Friday 3 October 2014

change of plans

So earlier in my blog I mentioned a trip to a not so local fish shop to me called Reef Dreams although I though at the time this was only going to be the place where I went to pick out the coral's for my aquarium well this has sort of changed.

Originally my plan was to purchase a Fluval m90 sea a couple of upgraded parts as it slotted nicely into the spot currently taken up by my gold fish tank but while looking around the shop the shop keeper showed me the Clearseal 900. Initially when looked I though great perfect size got home measured it up and the spot was too small I sat down a little dejected. The weeks have passed, I look at the spot the leaflet detailing the the package taunting me.  I scratched my head trying to work out a way I can get the bigger tank and then it hit me with a small change to the room and some new furniture to house the DVD collection.

Here's the new kit list:

Clearseal 900 (180 litres) + sump (75 litres) total of 255 litres which is just short of double the volume of the fluvial.
Ocean Life Over flow System
Jebao 3000 return pump
200w heater although Im tempeted to have 2 100w's incase one fails not so drastic drop in temp
bubble magnus c3.5 skimmer
tmc v2 illumenair 900 this the only thing from my original plan still left
d-d media reactor
v2 power pump for media reactor
tmc v2 auto top up
2 Jebao  wp25 powerbeads with twin controller

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