Friday 10 October 2014

Reef Farming

Our reefs are some of the most amazingly beautiful places and also one of our most sensitive ecosystems as well. Changes in temperature, fishing, pollution, our own interest in have reefs in our homes and public spaces have all taken its toll on the reefs of the world.

Recently while searching for corals I found a company in the Uk called Reef Works who work on an one what I would call ethical reef keeping policy by farming corals to reduce our impact on our existing reefs. They have a very interesting process on farming corals which if you want to read more on this can be found here.

"At Reefworks, if a species of coral cannot be grown in a sustainable and viable manner it will not be used. It is for this reason that you will not find certain genera at Reefworks. We do not buy in corals, frag them up and sell them and then buy in another colony to produce more frags. The key for us is to be self sustainable and to produce healthy vibrant coloured corals that have had no negative impact on natural reefs."   

They are also involved in Mariculture more information on this can be found here.

So when your in your LFS then next time ask them about how they source their corals.

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