Thursday 13 November 2014

Do fish have personalities

This is debated subject, I mean how can something that spends it time swimming around have a personality? Cat's, Dog's Parrots do that makes sense right? well I use to sit in this camp until I got my first fish. My change in though was very slow, this little bug eyed orange thing I brought home from the fair grew on me and showed fish don't just swim around.

It all started just over a year a go, won a fish at the fun fair and brought this little character home and put him in a fish bowl by the tv. At first i just dumped food in the bowl changed the water took not much notice of what my fish was up too. But that soon changed one evening, I was sat next to the tank and I noticed Rasputin spent more time the tv side of the bowel when the cricket was on. I thought this was very odd not something had even noticed before. I changed channels found something else and he swam off, Did my fish just swim off because I stopped watching the cricket? Its quite possible, I know he doesn't under stand what he is watching but like to think he became a bit of a telly addict in the months he bowl was close to the tv. What else does he like to watch? not just the cricket, He loves Tanked and DR who.

I later saw that his TV viewing wasn't the only little quirk he had, after a few weeks of living in the bowl I upgraded his home to a 30litre tank. This meant his new home was big enough for a new ornament so I treated the tank to a Cyberman head. Now Rasputin wasn't to happy about the new addition for two weeks he sat at the back of the tank never swimming in front the the face of the Cyberman head, I had to feed the grumpy so and so at the back of the tank. after a few weeks he got use to the Cyberman head and took to sleeping inside.

So why do I see my fish having personalities? It's not just the tv' watching the sulking at the back of the tank its the little things. The way they great me and no one else with a little excited swim dance when I get home, it's the moving the gravel from from one end of the tank to the other to make a pile in one corner no matter how many time's I level it out.

I know this could just be behaviour brought on by the fact I'm the primary feeder but I like to think these little fish have their own little personalities and I hope my move from fresh water to marine brings me a new set of characters traits.

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