Sunday 2 November 2014

The missing post

So I had planned to make this a weekly post on a Friday however the last couple of weeks have got away from, Work and family commitments have made finding time for the blog a little difficult but I didn't want to leave my readers with out a post for too long.

Although I haven't made a post here I have still been working on my ultimate goal to have a marine fish tank. The more I research the more I get doubts on some of my idea's of the set up I'm looking for. Should I slow down the cycle process by using dry rock to avoid pests? Which live sand do I go for? These are a few dilemmas I have encountered but as I reach the point of resolving these I will share with you my conclusions.

My next step is to put down the books and step away from the web for a few days let the information sink in. Chances are my idea's are correct, the pro's out way the con's and I'm just over thinking things.

In the mean time I'll focus on my fresh water tank's there is a lot of little jobs I need to do on these before I set up the marine tank.  Next week I'll give an over view of my current maintenance program and once the marine tank is set up the new process.

If your enjoying my post's please follow and add comments.

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